Monday, August 09, 2010

Why voting for MAK so important

Unfortunately not enough people are probably paying attention, but tomorrow's August 10Th primary will signal an important turning point for the future of Minnesota. That's why I'm voting for Margaret Anderson Kelliher for governor.

I strongly believe that MAK has the best chance to beat Tom Emmer. Never thought that Minnesota Republicans could come up with a more anti-immigrant governor than Tim "let's take away citizenship from children born in the US" Pawlenty. But Tom Emmer thinks that the Arizona SB 1070 law is a good start, and that we should turn local police into immigration agents. He also happens to think that somehow gay marriage will somehow threaten everyone elses marriage and that the minimum wage for restaurant servers is too high. I've had it with Pawlenty-Emmer intolerance and their out of touch extremist agenda.

I spent some time interviewing MAK on my radio show and visiting Latino owned businesses on Lake Street with her. I've met a lot of politicians in the past who felt uncomfortable with immigrant issues or awkward in the company of Latinos. Margaret is not one of them. She relates well with Latinos, looks comfortable in our company and when confronted with issues important to Latinos such as immigration, education and jobs, she does not hesitate or look confused.

Margaret as governor will be a leader nationally for comprehensive immigration reform, she will veto Arizona type laws, she will fight to adequately fund public education instead of Pawlenty's policy of using schools as a line of credit. She is the most credible DFL candidate on balancing the budget and creating jobs. And she is the most electable.

Yes I will support Entenza and Dayton if they win. Better than Emmer. And Horner doesn't seem to have a chance. But I've talked to enough immigration lawyers concerned about Daytons immigration positions as a US Senator to hesitate. Also concerned that Dayton didn't seem to think reaching out to Latinos was important during the primary race. Both MAK and Entenza reached out to Latinos in the past few months but Dayton was nowhere to bee seen on Lake Street or the Wes Side of St Paul. And Republicans will have a field day with Daytons controversial past.

Entenza would be good on immigration. He has done an OK job reaching out to Latinos. But his obsession with having the state opt out of No Child left Behind seems irresponsible. It would deny Minnesota of tens if millions of much needed dollars that our schools desperately need. I dislike NCLB as much as he does and would drastically reform it, but opting out? No.

I'll support whoever DFL'ers vote for tomorrow. Even Dayton. Eventually. But would much rather like to vote for MAK on November 2nd.


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