Monday, September 04, 2006

September 4th immigration marches

I've been wondering all day about the strategy of immigration rights marches the weekend of Labor day 2006. It seems these marches were not very big, and that the timing for them was not the best.

Not too many people will notice them. Those of us that believe in real immigration reform, should focus on getting Latinos to vote in this years election, and make sure that Latinos are a factor in changing the congressional majority from Republicans to Democrats. Only then we will have real political influence over congress. Republicans have had plenty of chances to get real immigration reform and have not delivered.

President George Bush supported the Senate Judiciary committee bill, which seemed like a good compromise. But he didn't push the US House hard enough to implement it.

I say lets try our best to get Latinos to vote, and change congressional majority to Democrats and then pressure Democrats to pass the US Senate immigration reform bill. If they don't deliver there will be plenty of time then for huge marches.


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